So much happens here everyday. I find it exhausting to write in this blog sometimes and even to talk to friends and family about all the amazing experiences I have been having.
I recently started teaching a couple yoga classes for the volunteers..I am so grateful to have this space to share yoga with friends. It is so incredible how I've only known these people for three weeks now and I feel so comfortable around them. It's like we all have so much in common, but we come from completely different sides of the world.
We have these meetings where we get together with a couple people or sometimes even the whole community of volunteers to practice speaking and listening from the heart. It is truly a skill and is inspiring to the core of my being. To have people speak spontaneously about whatever they feel like and provide space for what they are saying is extremely refreshing and a raw experience. Observing human nature in a safe, confidential place is like watching a flower bloom. Courage. Compassion. Openness. When it was my turn to speak, I nervously stumbled over words of gratitude while others spoke of things that moved me to tears. I am so thankful for those who have opened their hearts and for this experience. Jai- true victory of oneness with the divine.
Hi darling, I miss you something awful, but am so happy to read that you are thriving like a little Southern plant despite all that snow up there :} Thank you for our talk earlier, it really made my day. Hugs and kisses from Jacksonville <3