"The best servant does his work unseen."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1984)
Seva is a Sanskrit word which means self-less service. This is serving without condition, without expectation of recognition or reciprocation. This is the most pure form of service. When we give of ourselves, with all of our heart, just for the sake of giving, this is when we do the most good.
-Lissa Coffey
Day 2 @ Kripalu-
Today we finally received our Seva(where we will be working 35 hours a week). I went in with no expectations. If I was a dishwasher or bathroom cleaner, it is all the same. The point is selfless service, self reflection, introspection, and giving back to the yoga community that inspires me in every breath.
It was a quite dramatic build up to when we were told what our Seva work be. Every ones names were called except three of us. We are the office workers. Specifically I get to be on the "yoga team". I'm super excited. Not sure what it entails, but stoked none the less.
I didn't sleep at all last night. Not used to living in a dorm again. You can hear everything, and I can't help but thinking people are up having fun without me. haha. The dorm is a 10 min walk from the center (in the snow, up hill both ways) but I only have two roommates. Not a bad trade off.
I started my day with a 6am shower, followed by my personal yoga practice in our own private studio in the dorm (Hill House) that over looks the snowy mountains and the most beautiful sunrise. Life is good. The went to breakfast where they prepare all organic, vegetarian cu sine. delish. The whole day was then dedicated to orientating us to the building and Kripalu's mission/history. Again, I am so grateful to be a part of this.
On a personal note:
Jay- I don't know how much I'll be updating this blog since I don't have a computer. And without a computer I can't download images to post those....But maybe mom and dad will bring my laptop with them when they come for my birthday. I'm not too worried about it though. Just trust me: It's white, in the most beautiful mountains, very cold, and all things I have been dreading/dreaming about.
Summer: There are hula hoops! :-)
Love love love!
we are so hoop dancing when you get home!