Today I woke up and went to work...I took a "Vigorous" yoga class during lunch with Jaguar Path Ray. Good stuff. Then went back to workin a bit...until the next "Moderate" yoga class at 4:15. Part of my job is learning about the teachers and their yoga classes. Jackpot!
I went back to the dorms where a couple friends and I had a hula hooping dance party in the yoga studio. Laugh, sing, dance, and party!
I woke up before the sun. Went into the yoga room to do some pranayama and meditation until the sun rose to bring in the day. I was walking over to the center with the cold wind on my face when my new friend Carl pulled up and scooped me up in his work truck. Work flew by...lots of new programs to learn, lots of new people to meet.
I took a nap on the couch before dinner, jammin' to some Iron&Wine. At dinner I had an amazing conversation about materialism and the idea of the individual self with my friends Brodrick and Geof. We then went to play ping pong and listen to Buddha Bar in the work room at Hill House. Jay and family- I beat up on my competition and next I'm coming for you! haha. To those of you who don't know the story, my family will not let me play ping pong with them. "I don't try". aka they are scared. ;)
Snow, snow, snow.
Busy day of work. Getting schedules done, and lots of new projects. Met about ten more new faces today. Starting to get excited about workshops to come! I applied to attend either the David Swenson (Ashtanga) or Tod Nordian (Anusara).
I got coffee and ginger dark chocolate today...mmmmMM
I've met some other 21 and 22 year old volunteers around. Everyone has such amazing stories..I'm loving just sitting back and listening.
The girl who is training me (Morgan) is awesome! We played all day (while working) and I gave her the yoga name "Morgananada" haha... the image is of a monkey hula hooping!
We also discussed different styles of yoga and our perceptions of them. Ashtanga gets a bad rep sometimes, so it's always interesting to see different view points. We went over one of my favorite Sanskrit phrases, "Jai Shri Satguru Maharaji Ki!" It loosely translates to "honoring my God, my teachers, and myself". Not only is it fun to say, it really resonates with me. God, teachers, self...beautiful.
We went back to Hill House after dinner and hung out for a bit. I got my name up in the office and on our dorm room, so I'm starting to feel more settled.
We watched the movie "Enlighten-Up". I recommend it for anyone with questions/interest in yoga. It's a great start on the life long quest of yoga.
The movie goes to all different styles and teachers of yoga and tries to find concrete facts that link...at last, the man just finds more questions...parallels life, huh?
Something to think about...
I appreciate the students and teachers that don't take themselves too seriously. Life just is not that serious. Take it with a Buddha smile and humility.