"I embrace change."
This weekend is a chance to celebrate change. Maha Shivaratri is usually celebrated the night before and the day of the new moon. This new moon happens to fall on Valentine's Day. Maha Shivaratri is a festival dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva. Shiva symbolizes destruction. He destroys ideas and concepts in our lives that do not serve us anymore (whether we are willing or not). Thus, Shiva is said to be the Father of Yoga. Yoga is about transformation. We must learn to embrace these changes in our lives. Gandhi is famously quoted "Be the change you wish to see in the world." We think, how nice...I can find something to change, then stand by that single focus and follow in Gandhi's footsteps. However, in order to "be the change" we have to realize that "the change" is forever evolving. It won't look the same tomorrow as it did today.
A great opportunity to practice placing comfort around change is in time of the new moon. In Vedic philosophy there are many cycles in nature to which we are subtly attuned. The moon ("candra" in Sanskrit) is one of these. The new moon is a time to start new projects. There is a fresh new energy that helps us to accelerate our progress as the moon grows (Lissa Coffey).
The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation when the force of apana is greatest. Apana is a contracting, downward moving force that makes us feel calm and grounded, but dense and disinclined towards physical exertion.
The Farmers Almanac recommends planting seeds at the new moon when the rooting force is strongest(The Ashtanga Yoga Center).
Feeling that grounding, rooting energy, and the gentle momentum of the natural world we can feel confident in exploring change. We can set new goals and trust that it is time to manifest these new ideas.
by the light of the moon
I call onto you
holding my hands out to the world
sending forth my dreams
placing my toes in the sand
my fingers graze the water
my breath is steady and hopeful
new landscapes
new eyes
walking into the unknown
following the light from my dreams
the moon reflects
my life is but a mirror
the space between
my heart rests in the stillness
a slight flutter
with sparks off virgin lips
creating a new path
with beauty and love in every breath
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