8/28-30th at Yoga Life
This workshop was a lot more than learning fancy anatomy words. Yoga Anatomy is very important to know and I learned a lot about the body. David also shared stories of his experiences of being an ashtangi and training with Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. Here are some quotes and interesting facts from the weekend:
- Everything in the body is wrapped in connective tissue
- The body works as a Tensegrity Model- the tension maintains the integrity of the structure
- 75 to 85% of body weight is muscle mass
- PNF technique- when a muscle contracts the opposite muscle is shut off
- Yoga is balancing opposing energies. Example in the foot: A foot print has a Mula or grounding quality, while the arch has a Uttianda or uplifting quality
- "Yoga is the ultimate freedom" Iyengar
- Too much tension in the hips leads to knee pain
- "We are subtle to gross"
- "Don't fear- have faith and trust" Guruji
- Both sides of the pelvis are independent
- There is more movement in women than men in the sacroiliac joint
- Yoga is a means to connect the body by taking awareness inside
- Every pose has a physical and energetic benefit
- A "pop" noise in the joint (hips especially) is caused by pressure changes
- The center of gravity is on top of the sacrum and is the main circulation point of energy
- The breath, or prana, controls circulation and leads to bandha
- If you have back pain- strengthen core and open the front body
- Goal of yoga- create length and space
- "Always be a student"
- When we breathe six vertebrae move apart
- A soft tissue injury won't hurt during practice but after when cool
- Scar tissue builds 30 minutes after you tear connective tissue
- Stretch after you tear something so scar tissue build up doesn't occur
Thank you Thank you Thank you
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