Discovery Yoga "Wellness as a Way of Life" 9/21-22
We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us, that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.
-William Butler Yeats
Christopher Baxter led this two day workshop on wellness. We discussed what is the goal of yoga? Ultimately all being want to be happy. We so often think of yoga and wellness in this sense of asana or physical practices when the goal is really for us to be well so that we may bring that to others.
So, how do we get happy? Contrary to Western belief happiness does not lie at the bottom of a late' or deep within our TV's. To not just be happy, but to remain happy the Buddha teaches that we must realize this:
1. All things are impermanent.
2. Our lives are short, restricted, and unsatisfying.
The cure is through the path. Bringing in three categories of wellness:
1. Body & Breath
Ex: physical respiration, yoga, fitness, walking, diet. Physical sheath (Anamyakosha)
2. Energy & Emotions
Ex: connection to mental state, feelings, sensations, moods, stress. Most suffering happens in the emotional body.
3. Mind & Mindfulness
Ex: Buddhist & mind training practices, alertness, energy, attention.
* All are interconnected, together=wellness. Root in awareness.
What has worked for me:
Body & Breath
- yoga asanas
- biking
- running/ walking
- posture awareness
- breath work
- painting
- teaching
Yoga for Wellness- Gary Kraftsow
Yoga as Medicine- Timothy McCall
International Association Yoga Therapists IAYT
Energy & Emotions
- journaling
- painting
- meditation
- research
- support from family
- exercise
- cognitive therapy (awareness of reality)
- mantras/ affirmations
- contemplation of the divine
Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman
Path with the Heart- Jack Kornfeild
Eastern Body Western Mind- Anodea Judith
Writing Down to Bones- Natalie Goldberg
- Tantric and Buddhist mind training techniques
- reading
- mantra meditation
- workshops/ research
- teaching
- listening
- chanting/ singing
- painting
- writing
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction- Jon Cabot-Zinn
Start Where You Are- Pema Chodrun
Joyful Wisdom- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Now to find a holistic wellness plan for you:
Think of the things you are already doing in these categories that are working. Then make a separate list of where you would like to go next.
Think about what is out of balance in your life? What are the effects? What is needed to balance?
Then make a plan. Set goals.
Something daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, and annually that you can make a part of your life to create wellness.
Wellness as a way of life. Yoga as a core set of lifetime skills. Building on the foundation of yoga. Deepen your own awareness through direct experience. Expand into other applications and complimentary disciplines. Integrate the expanded, enhanced awareness into your services to others.
-Christopher Baxter

Thank you Christopher and all of the other wonderful people who were apart of this workshop.
Light, love, and energy is contagious.
your a huge inspiration for what i can do for myself. maybe check out donna eden's energy medicine book. it seems you already got a pretty solid routine of maintaining wellness, but if you havent looked into energy medicine its definitely worth a chance.
ReplyDeleteand i just stumbled upon this the other day and its been open in a window and i just keep glancing at it every so often. not saying your a buddhist or anything, just kinda nice to read and send out to the universe.
Buddhist Prayer for Peace
May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending
one another.
May those who find themselves in trackless,
fearful wilderness ~
the children, the age, the unprotected ~
be guarded by beneficial celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.
What a beautiful prayer, thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteYou have an extremely great blog. A lot of people do not realize what mind power can do to one's succes